Through poetry Robert Frost delineated the universal problem of making a choice between the demands of the practical and a desire to escape, the readers came to no final solution in his poetry. For example when we read the poem ?The Road Not Taken? we find only vagueness and uncertainty without precision in the rendering of the details and of the total attitude. Frost confuses whimsical impulse with moral choice. Frost himself is vaguely afraid that he may or may not be wrong or right. As Robert Frost tells us poetry should clarify life, he is criticized by some critics for not having clarified and never made any moral commitment towards the unpredictability and uncertainty of life in his poetry. In spite of the pastoral element predominant in Frost?s poetry, he is still a modern poet because of his depiction of predicament, uncertainty and moral perplexity of modern man. Thus in Frost?s poems contraries are constantly being set side by side especially the hiatus between what the individual aspires for and the hard reality of what he achieves-a conflict of which he is keenly aware. The idea of conflict or antithesis is inherited in all the elements of his poetry-in theme, metaphor, subject, matter, form and style. He portrays man?s place in nature, his humour in grief, his pleasure in sadness, his transience in permanence, his isolation in communion etc. Frost acknowledges that humanity very much depends upon the conflict and paradox between stability and mobility, between vocation and avocation, between illusion and reality etc. This paper examines the cause behind his helplessness to be a committed poet and analysis the reason behind his inability in giving permanent solution to any things ordained to everlasting opposition. This study explores how his ?talking poems? dramatized his dualistic handling of uncertainty of post modernism and conflicting voices.
dualistic, modernism, conflicting voices, poetry, Robert Frost
IRE Journals:
S. Valarmathi , Dr. N. Swaminathan
"The Unresolved Uncertainty And Unvoiced Dualism In The Poetry Of Robert Frost" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 4 2017 Page 64-68
S. Valarmathi , Dr. N. Swaminathan
"The Unresolved Uncertainty And Unvoiced Dualism In The Poetry Of Robert Frost" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(4)