Fresh carrots (Ducuscarota L.) are rich in β-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. It is moderately perishable in nature; therefore it is necessary to develop suitable techniques for preservation. The research was carried out atAPE department of K. K. Wagh College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology. In thepresent report, efforts were made to analyze the effect of different concentrations of osmotic agents i.e. salt solutions (5%, 8%, 11% concentration) and sugar solutions (550Brix, 600Brix, 650Brix concentration) on drying and various physical parameters of carrot slices. Comparative study of the effect osmotic agents was also studied. Overall analysis of the physical parameters of the dehydrated carrot slices indicated that the sugar solution is superior to that of salt solution. In initialanalysis,if fresh carrot slices, thecolour was reddish and moisture content was observed very high. The time required for osmotic drying was 4 hrs for each concentration of all solutions. After the dehydration of carrot slices, the reddish color was maintained in sugar solution of all concentrations. Moisture content, dry matter content, dehydration ratio results was found better in sugar solution of 60 0Brix concentration while ash content was found least in sugar solution of 550Brix concentration. The sugar solution of concentration 600Brix is best for osmotic dehydration of carrot slices.
Ducuscarota L., osmotic dehydration, physical parameters.
IRE Journals:
Dnyaneshwar Santu Mondhe , S S Deshmukh , S E Shinde
"STUDIES ON OSMOTIC DEHYDRATION OF CARROT SLICES" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 4 2017 Page 35-41
Dnyaneshwar Santu Mondhe , S S Deshmukh , S E Shinde
"STUDIES ON OSMOTIC DEHYDRATION OF CARROT SLICES" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(4)