Design Of Workstations For Computer Users: A Review
  • Author(s): S. M. RAJ KUMAR ; C. NAVEEN KUMAR
  • Paper ID: 1700067
  • Page: 24-34
  • Published Date: 23-10-2017
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 4 October-2017

In order to facilitate the advancement of computer based technology and prevent health risk associated with computer workstations (non-ergonomics), a modification of the computer workstations is essential. The ergonomics for design of computer workstations leads to motivate the work, higher performance, efficiency and quality of work. Current scenario, our society spends lot of time with computers, thus the computer workstation needs to provide comfort to users. Discomfort position can harmfully affect the overall health and performance of work. In this past, present and future trends of computer workstation designs are discussed. Furthermore this paper offers the suggestions for design of computer workstations and simple exercises to reduce musculoskeletal disorders of prolong time users.


Computer, Ergonomics, Workstations, Risk Factor.


IRE Journals:
S. M. RAJ KUMAR , C. NAVEEN KUMAR "Design Of Workstations For Computer Users: A Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 4 2017 Page 24-34

S. M. RAJ KUMAR , C. NAVEEN KUMAR "Design Of Workstations For Computer Users: A Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(4)