Environmental Risk Assessment For Construction Project Through CEMP
  • Author(s): Rasika S. Patil ; Vikram K. Vichare
  • Paper ID: 1700058
  • Page: 5-11
  • Published Date: 25-09-2017
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 3 September-2017

The construction sectors are now a day?s expanding rapidly with the different new sources, techniques but if it not planned with consideration of environmental aspects, it would give significant negative impact to the surrounding environment. Construction is considered as one of the main reason of pollution in the nature. So for the awareness and proper utilization of resources in the construction projects regards to environmental effect, needs to be enhanced. For this some management techniques are considered with environmental management. Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) is an environmental management tool used to ensure that undue or reasonably avoidable adverse impacts of the construction on project environment are prevented. Also CEMP's provide an essential tool for ensuring that the assessment, mitigation of negative impacts and enhancement of positive impacts is carried out effectively during the project life-cycle. This is a plan or programmed that seeks to achieve a required end state and describes how activities that have or could have an adverse impact on the environment, will be assessed, controlled, monitored and mitigated. In developing the CEMP an Environmental Risk Assessment will be undertaken. The risk assessment identifies all aspects of construction that could have an environmental impact and assesses the potential risk and impact of that activity on the environment. Management controls are then devised to eliminate or minimize those identified impacts. In this paper CEMPs are developed. Also risk assessments of different construction projects are taken. It may identify some environmental impact factors by measuring environmental risk and finding their impact levels.


CEMP, Environmental Risk, Impact factors, Risk Assessment.


IRE Journals:
Rasika S. Patil , Vikram K. Vichare "Environmental Risk Assessment For Construction Project Through CEMP" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 3 2017 Page 5-11

Rasika S. Patil , Vikram K. Vichare "Environmental Risk Assessment For Construction Project Through CEMP" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(3)