Uses of natural fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites are gaining popularity in automotive, cosmetic, and plastic lumber applications. Natural fibres such as cellulose, jute, coir, banana, sisal, palm etc. are used as an alternative to synthetic fibres e.g. glass, carbon, etc. These fibres are advantageous to the synthetic fibres because of having renewable character, acceptable specific strength properties, low cost, enhanced energy recovery and biodegradability. Natural fibre-reinforced polymer composites combine good mechanical properties with low specific mass and these composites are having increasing interest for producing structural materials for housing, railways, aerospace etc. Along with other natural fibres, banana fibre is also used widely as reinforcing agent in thermoplastics. Biological fibre-reinforced composite has the potential to improve the physical or mechanical properties for a wide range of potential application. The properties of some natural fibres have been investigated and the reported results showed promising utilization of some of them as an alternative to glass fibre in many application. In this present work treated (with NAOH) banana (of 3cm length) and jute fibres are used as the reinforcing material. Epoxy-banana & jute fibre reinforced composites were prepared for different weight content of fibres by using hand layup moulding technique. Mechanical properties of different types of prepared composites were characterized.
Composites, Hand lay-up, Epoxy, Banana fibre.
IRE Journals:
Subba Reddy D N , Thyagaraj N R , Manjunatha.K.N
"Evaluation Of Mechanical Properties In Banana Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 3 2017 Page 1-3
Subba Reddy D N , Thyagaraj N R , Manjunatha.K.N
"Evaluation Of Mechanical Properties In Banana Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(3)