FE Analysis With Experimental Investigation Of Flexure Mechanism In
  • Author(s): Prasad V. Suryawanshi ; Suhas P. Deshmukh
  • Paper ID: 1700042
  • Page: 37-46
  • Published Date: 01-09-2017
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 2 August-2017

In mechanical engineering flexible mechanisms that transfer an input force or displacement to another point through elastic body deformation. These may be monolithic (single-piece) or joint-less structures. In this research work, motion stage of flexure mechanism set-up will move by using spiral arm coil with 7200 of spiral angle. The arrangement is such that two spiral coils are attached to the frame. Central part of coil is attached by the bar of motion stage. Motion stage will move in X direction as we require. One of spiral coil is connected to the voice coil motor. Voice coil motor gets current from controller. With the help of Dspace microcontroller we can calibrate the readings of setup. Given readings are executed in MATLAB software and find out various graphs and curves. After simulation in ANSYS software compare the expt. And numerical results and validate it.


flexure mechanism, spiral coil of beryllium copper, PRO-E model, Drafting of setup in CATIA V5 R20, MATLAB, controldeskdeveloper, FEA analysis in ANSYS.


IRE Journals:
Prasad V. Suryawanshi , Suhas P. Deshmukh "FE Analysis With Experimental Investigation Of Flexure Mechanism In " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 2 2017 Page 37-46

Prasad V. Suryawanshi , Suhas P. Deshmukh "FE Analysis With Experimental Investigation Of Flexure Mechanism In " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(2)