A Review On Bamboo Fiber Composites
  • Author(s): Ashwini Yeshwant Patil ; Talekar Vikrant Popat
  • Paper ID: 1700041
  • Page: 54-72
  • Published Date: 05-09-2017
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 2 August-2017

From the last thirty to thirty five years composite materials, plastics and ceramics have been the dominant emerging materials. The volume and number of applications of composite materials have grown steadily, penetrating and conquering new markets relentlessly. Modern composite materials constitute a significant proportion of the engineered materials market ranging from everyday products to sophisticated niche applications. While composites have already proven their worth as weight-saving materials, the current challenge is to make them cost effective. Bamboo plants are giant, fast-growing grasses that have woody stems. The characteristics of each vary in size, growth habit, sun tolerance, soil moisture needs and heat/ cold temperature tolerance. Bamboo fibers are often known as natural glass fiber due to its high strength with respect to its weight derives from fibers longitudinally aligned in its body. The tensile strength of bamboo is relatively high and can reach 370 MPa. This makes bamboo an attractive alternative to steel in tensile loading application. Thus the study of anatomy of bamboo, extraction of bamboo fibers, bamboo fiber composites with different matrix materials becomes necessary.


Natural fibers, Bamboo Fibers, Anatomy Extraction, Testing, Bamboo Fiber composites.


IRE Journals:
Ashwini Yeshwant Patil , Talekar Vikrant Popat "A Review On Bamboo Fiber Composites" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 2 2017 Page 54-72

Ashwini Yeshwant Patil , Talekar Vikrant Popat "A Review On Bamboo Fiber Composites" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(2)