Ergonomics is essential for promoting health in the workplace, particularly in preventing musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs), which are common in professions involving repetitive movements, improper postures, or excessive physical exertion. Such injuries affect workers' well-being and directly impact organizational productivity and operational costs due to absenteeism and prolonged medical treatments. In this context, occupational nursing plays a crucial role in implementing ergonomic practices, such as risk assessment and promoting preventive measures, including posture correction, the use of appropriate protective equipment, and the reorganization of workstations. The role of occupational nurses also includes conducting educational campaigns and continuous monitoring of workers' health, identifying early signs of muscle overload. Studies such as those by Hoe et al. (2012) and Capodaglio (2020) demonstrate the effectiveness of ergonomic interventions, such as using arm supports and participatory ergonomics, in reducing musculoskeletal disorders. Additionally, promoting healthy habits such as regular breaks and stretching exercises is also fundamental in preventing these issues. The integration of ergonomics with occupational health not only improves workers' quality of life but also enhances productivity and company competitiveness. Ongoing research on ergonomics and the implementation of evidence-based practices are essential to mitigate the risk of injuries and ensure a safe and healthy work environment.
Ergonomics, Occupational Nursing, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Prevention, Occupational Health.
IRE Journals:
Natalia Tardivo Scandelai
"The Importance of Ergonomics in Preventing Musculoskeletal Injuries in the Workplace" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 8 2025 Page 839-843
Natalia Tardivo Scandelai
"The Importance of Ergonomics in Preventing Musculoskeletal Injuries in the Workplace" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(8)