Smart PPE and Wearable Technology for Enhancing Worker Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry
  • Author(s): Ezekiel Ezekiel Smart
  • Paper ID: 1707254
  • Page: 727-736
  • Published Date: 28-02-2025
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 8 February-2025

Oil and gas industry jobs is one of the most risky occupations, having critical hazards of toxic gas exposure, fire, machine, and poor working condition. Conventional PPE has been a lifesaver in many ways but not capable of real-time detection of hazards and health status of the employee. Smart PPE using sensor-based monitoring, AI, and Internet of Things (IoT) is a preventive safety approach in such workplaces. This review is an analysis of evolution, challenges, and solutions towards adoption of smart PPE in oil and gas industries. It details out wearable technologies potential to boost safety in actual-time monitoring, detection of hazards, and health status of the employee. The review horizon is of smart PPE innovation, adoption challenges, and evidence-based statistics of efficacy. Methodology used is a systematic review of existing studies, industry reports, and case studies between 2019 to 2025. Findings indicate that smart PPE technologies lead to a work-site accident reduction of 40% and safety regulation compliance of 30%. Further, companies that employed actual-time health monitoring wearables observed a decline of 25% in heat stress disease, whereas AI-based exoskeletons observed a decline of 20% in lifting heavy loads caused injuries to musculoskeletal system. Comparative analysis shows that adoption strategies of incorporating technology, stringent data security provisions, and financial incentives are key to overcoming such challenges. Overcoming such challenges using strategic deployment can lead to industry adoption and boost worker safety to a great extent.


Occupational Health, Oil and Gas Safety, Smart PPE, Wearable Technology, Worker Protection.


IRE Journals:
Ezekiel Ezekiel Smart "Smart PPE and Wearable Technology for Enhancing Worker Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 8 2025 Page 727-736

Ezekiel Ezekiel Smart "Smart PPE and Wearable Technology for Enhancing Worker Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(8)