Nano-Scale Data Encoding in GPON Networks
  • Author(s): Rashedul Anwar
  • Paper ID: 1707236
  • Page: 691-694
  • Published Date: 27-02-2025
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 8 February-2025

The increasing demand for high-bandwidth, low-latency communication systems has driven significant advancements in broadband access technologies such as Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON). Although GPON offers high-speed internet services through efficient point-to-multipoint architecture, it has a limitation on data transmission speed, spectral efficiency, and scalability. With the use of advanced nanomaterials such as quantum dots to enhance data density and data transmission speed, Nano scale data encoding is the solution to this. This technology has potential to significantly improve the performance of GPON networks by enhancing utilization of higher bandwidth, reduction of power consumption, and improvement on data security. In addition, the integration of graphene-based components further promotes enhanced optical performance, reduced loss of signal, and miniaturization of the connected network devices. Despite the challenges in development of material and integration, Nano-scale data coding stands to revolutionize the future of GPON networks by offering scalable, efficient, and secure solutions for global high-speed communication infrastructures


Nano-scale Data Encoding, GPON Networks, Quantum Dot Technology, Graphene-based Optical Communications, High-Speed Data Transmission.


IRE Journals:
Rashedul Anwar "Nano-Scale Data Encoding in GPON Networks" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 8 2025 Page 691-694

Rashedul Anwar "Nano-Scale Data Encoding in GPON Networks" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(8)