Digital transformation has indeed revolutionized the landscape of strategic marketing and today characterized by the entry of new technologies like IoT and AI that greatly enhance customer experience and brand trust. Nowadays, AI, big data, and CRMs have found a new chapter of their use in personalizing marketing communications and channel experiences through real-time interactions. Hence, brands can interact with and understand consumer needs in real time, continuing to build customer loyalty. This research study thus deciphers some aspects regarding the incorporation of technology into marketing strategies to enhance customer engagement and promote long-lasting relationships with the brand. Although there are many case studies and reports presented showing how certain businesses have successfully included technology in their marketing procedures, Starbucks, Nike, and Sephora among the few. The research findings also bring to light the view that customer- centric operations, data-driven strategies, and consistent branding across all platforms will be key operational norms for competitive advantage. However, constraining factors persist such as data privacy dynamics, absence of skills sets, and inestimable costs (Harvard Business Review, 2019; Oliver Wyman, 2018). Conclusively therefore, an organization which seeks to maximize the benefits of digital transformation must opt for embracing cutting-edge technologies and a data-obsessed approach, always remembering to honor the trust-factor dimension when it comes to the ethics and regulations surrounding data usage. This research underscores the influence of technological prowess in propelling any marketing edge in the competitive terrain.
Digital Transformation, Strategic Marketing, Consumer Engagement, Brand Loyalty, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data Analytics, Omnichannel Marketing, Customer Relationship
IRE Journals:
Angelica Lopera
"The Role of Digital Transformation in Strategic Marketing: Leveraging Technology for Consumer Engagement and Brand Loyalty" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 4 2021 Page 219-229
Angelica Lopera
"The Role of Digital Transformation in Strategic Marketing: Leveraging Technology for Consumer Engagement and Brand Loyalty" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(4)