Urban areas face escalating challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation. This study explores green roof technology as a crucial component of green infrastructure to address these issues. With a focus on Pakistan, the research investigates green roofs’ environmental, social, and economic benefits and evaluates their role in sustainable urban development. Case studies and literature review provide actionable insights for integrating green roofs into policy and planning frameworks. This article highlights the potential of green roofs to mitigate urban heat, manage stormwater, and enhance biodiversity while addressing challenges in implementation.
Urban Resilience, Sustainability, Ecosystem Services, Green Roof, Green Infrastructure, and Pakistan Urban Planning
IRE Journals:
Ahmar Niazi , Dr. Demet Irkli Eryildiz , Dr. Feride Sener Yilmaz
"The Integration of Green Roofs into Urban Sustainability: The Insights for Implementation in Pakistan" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 7 2025 Page 144-151
Ahmar Niazi , Dr. Demet Irkli Eryildiz , Dr. Feride Sener Yilmaz
"The Integration of Green Roofs into Urban Sustainability: The Insights for Implementation in Pakistan" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(7)