In this paper, gender and leadership will be discussed in terms of the interactional model, as a result of which gender stereotypes will be described in detail depending on their impact on the leadership styles, perceptions, and leadership effects. Traditionally, people have referred to leadership characteristics as being more masculine in that leaders are required to be assertive and decisive and devoid of emotion as opposed to the feminine characteristics of women in that they are compassionate-intuitive and value communication. Recent publications indicate that leadership depends on the context, pointing out that the combination of the transformational leadership model with recognition of women’s achievements is credited with the creation of innovation, cooperation, and sustainable success. There is also a way gender biases have continued to present an imbalance in leadership possibilities. Many times, women are put in the ‘double jeopardy’ in that if they do not act like men, then they are not effective leaders, and if they do act like men, then their femininity is called into question. Likewise, the traditional view of leadership is a challenge, causing men to face some form of resistance in organizations. Research has shown that credibility enhances organizational performance, decision-making, and innovativeness with gender-diverse executive teams. To realize this potential, an organization needs to reduce biases and discrimination, increase the representation of minorities, and increase the adoption of diverse work arrangements and flexible leadership. For organizations to build better, healthier, and sustainable leadership cultures, they need to work towards reducing the strengths of the old-fashioned, stereotyped models.
Gender, Leadership Styles, Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Gender Bias, Leadership Evaluation, Organizational Outcomes
IRE Journals:
Joshua Muzira , Vivian Ntombizannele Gunda
"The Influence of Gender on Leadership: Navigating Stereotypes and Transforming Leadership Styles" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 7 2025 Page 10-13
Joshua Muzira , Vivian Ntombizannele Gunda
"The Influence of Gender on Leadership: Navigating Stereotypes and Transforming Leadership Styles" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(7)