The Influence of Orphanage Homes On the Social and Cognitive Development of Children in Stem Education
  • Author(s): Uyiosa Osarumen Ugiagbe
  • Paper ID: 1706708
  • Page: 423-432
  • Published Date: 20-12-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 6 December-2024

This study examined the influence of Orphanage homes on the Social and Cognitive Development of Children in STEM Education. Three research question were raised to guide the study, while one was hypothesized. A sample of 100 Orphanage home children were purposively selected from 4 Orphanage Homes in the south-south region of Nigeria. The mean and standard deviation were employed for data analysis, and the findings of this study reveal that the orphanage homes influence the cognitive skills development of the child to a high degree. Most difficulties encountered by children in orphanage homes are restricted movement, lack of inadequate workers, clothing, freedom of choice, parental care, feeding, accommodation, and poor educational background. However, financial problem, child abuse, isolation from the society, child slavery, low self-esteem, emotional trauma, and discrimination were rated as the least difficulties encountered. It was found that there’s no significant difference in the Social and Cognitive skills development of children in the orphanage home in terms of sex. The instrument used for the study was validated by three experts. The data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, mean, and deviation for the research questions and the hypothesis was tested using the independent sample t-test of 0.05 level of significance. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the Federal government through the concerned ministry should be more involved in the activities of the orphanage homes and provide the basic needs of orphanage homes. Also, children's opinion and interest should be considered important in the day-to-day activities of orphanage homes. Finally, there is also a need to create sub-families in orphanage homes with house parents to serve as guardians to the orphans.


IRE Journals:
Uyiosa Osarumen Ugiagbe "The Influence of Orphanage Homes On the Social and Cognitive Development of Children in Stem Education" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 6 2024 Page 423-432

Uyiosa Osarumen Ugiagbe "The Influence of Orphanage Homes On the Social and Cognitive Development of Children in Stem Education" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(6)