This study investigated the vulnerability of construction workers to heat-related occupational hazards and illnesses. The diverse workforce surveyed spanned various age groups (25-54 years old being the majority) and job roles, with skilled trades like carpentry and electrical work constituting the largest occupational group. The analysis revealed a consistent perception among workers regarding the prevalence and severity of heat hazards. They overwhelmingly agreed that these hazards intensify during summer months, peak sun hours, and in areas with direct sunlight and poor ventilation. While workers acknowledged the importance of managing heat exposure duration and the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (PPE), the study identified potential gaps. A moderate level of agreement suggested areas for improvement in training and ensuring consistent access to appropriate PPE. Intriguingly, the study found a positive correlation between age and the frequency of heat-related hazards. Older workers appeared to be more susceptible, highlighting the need for age-specific interventions. Similarly, different job roles demonstrated varying degrees of exposure, underscoring the importance of tailored strategies. To address these findings, the study proposes a comprehensive Heat Hazard Response Plan. The plan emphasizes the importance of regular monitoring and evaluation to ensure continuous improvement in protecting workers from heat-related hazards. This study emphasizes the need for a multi-pronged approach to safeguard construction workers' health. By implementing the proposed plan, fostering a culture of heat stress awareness, and developing targeted interventions based on age and job role, construction companies can create a safer and healthier work environment, ultimately reducing the incidence of heat-related illnesses.
Rewards, Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Heat Stress; Construction Workers; Age; Intervention; PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
IRE Journals:
Marielle S. Caballero
"Assessment of Heat Related Occupational Hazards and Health Illnesses Among Construction Workers in Cabanatuan City" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 6 2024 Page 410-422
Marielle S. Caballero
"Assessment of Heat Related Occupational Hazards and Health Illnesses Among Construction Workers in Cabanatuan City" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(6)