The Impact of Quality of Work Life on Organisational Performance of Academics
  • Author(s): Shalini Singh ; Prof. S. V. Pathak
  • Paper ID: 1706299
  • Page: 352-357
  • Published Date: 18-09-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 3 September-2024

Quality of Work Life (QWL) has become a key factor in determining what constitutes an ideal job. Salary and wages are not accurate measures of an employer's quality. When rating job conditions, the entire quality of work life, wages and salaries included—is taken into consideration. Therefore, ensuring that the working class has a higher quality of work life is also a part of effective management. The emphasis should be on the overall quality of living conditions for working people, not only the environment in which they work in the industrial unit. Employee leadership extends outside the workplace. The life beyond the workplace is equally important. In some cases, it could be more significant since an employee spends more time away from work than on it. Of course, whether management likes it or not, both will always have an impact on the caliber of the job. The management must establish a high-quality work environment to guarantee outstanding results. Ensuring that workers execute to the highest standard is contingent upon how the organization handles its workforce. Human resources are very dynamic, making management extremely challenging unless appropriate working conditions, decent pay, sufficient incentives, reduced job stress, job independence, and appropriate leadership style are provided. The degree of job satisfaction and optimal performance of employees are impacted by these factors. Based on evaluations of several academic research papers over the years, this paper aims to analyze and highlight the areas of academic anxiety, particularly those are critical and must be addressed to allow academic staff members to maintain a healthy work-life balance and a high organizational performance.


Academics, Organizational Performance, Quality of Work Life


IRE Journals:
Shalini Singh , Prof. S. V. Pathak "The Impact of Quality of Work Life on Organisational Performance of Academics" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 3 2024 Page 352-357

Shalini Singh , Prof. S. V. Pathak "The Impact of Quality of Work Life on Organisational Performance of Academics" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(3)