ABC Business Plan (Luxury Goods)
  • Author(s): Agnes Bamidele
  • Paper ID: 1706241
  • Page: 283-311
  • Published Date: 17-09-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 3 September-2024

ABC LTD is a fictitious name used for the sole purpose of this academic business plan report. ABC is a brand that will specialise in the design, creation and selling of high quality, bespoke and innovative leather products. Nigeria is the chosen location due to the current economic reform following the restoration of democratic rule thereby encouraging foreign direct investments mostly by Nigerians in diaspora. The global recession is another factor that has encouraged a lot of Nigerians and foreigners in diaspora to seek employment and business venture opportunities in Nigeria The Nigerian Guardian News (2010) Jonathan Pledges Co-operation (online), Available: This has created an appetite for these “western world” developed Nigerians to have the same quality products they normally consume in the western countries as well as for the home-based Nigerians having products customised with a hint of the “African Print”. There is significant growth in private led organisations which has created employment leading to disposable income. Based on Levitt’s market globalisation concept that global markets are based on the premise that the homogenising effect of mass communication has eliminated many regional differences resulting in a converging commonality of the world’s needs and desires. This concept is enhanced with the non-traditional consumers of ABC’s products; whom are used to shopping in, London, Paris, the US and other western countries. Harvard Business Review, May-June 1983) ABC LTD is an upmarket bespoke and genuine leather products provider to Men and Women within the age band 25-45, typically professionals and business people with limited time on their hands for on street shopping. The manufacturers and materials will be sourced from Italy and will work closely with ABC LTD designers to create ABC LTD branded unique designs. ABC LTD will also cater for special occasions or requests by providing bespoke designs and customisation of leather products, hence creating a niche in the leather goods market. ABC LTD's business platform will be based on location synergies provided by leasing premium shopping centre spaces in major Retail Businesses, these business platforms will be minimal to setup and dynamic enough to relocate. ABC LTD's shopping mall presence will be bolstered by its interactive website which will automate order processing, stock level control and CRM into one single supported portal. The website will also leverage against the sales and marketing efforts and tools being deployed. The key focus for ABC LTD in the first 5 years is to increase product range visibility / awareness and to highlight the Unique Selling Point of the products via the online and shopping centre marketing campaigns.


IRE Journals:
Agnes Bamidele "ABC Business Plan (Luxury Goods)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 3 2024 Page 283-311

Agnes Bamidele "ABC Business Plan (Luxury Goods)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(3)