Forensic Investigation Into the Causes of Building Collapse in Nigeria: Case Study of Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) Complex Jos
  • Author(s): S. S Manji ; Prof. A.G Mohammed ; Prof. S.Y Umar
  • Paper ID: 1706219
  • Page: 1031-1035
  • Published Date: 31-08-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 2 August-2024

The frequency of collapse of building structures in Nigeria in the past few years and recently has become very alarming and worrisome. Many lives and properties have been lost in the collapse of buildings mostly in Lagos, Abuja and recently in Jos. Forensic engineering/investigation is the application of engineering sciences to the investigations of failures and/or performance issues. During exploitation/mining activities in Jos and it environs, the most used technique i.e. trenching and pitting, adversely affected the landscape which has resulted in the formation of wasteland and stock piling of loose soil. The collapse of Nigerian Medical Association building Jos chapter occurred on the 6th September, 2018 leaving many people injured and loss of resources. This research is focused on investigating the causes of the collapse with the aim of proffering solution for the reconstruction of the same project and making inferences that will be used in curbing such menace in the future. In achieving this, a Forensic Structural Framework (FSF) was used. Field testing and laboratory testing including Soil Bearing Capacity test; Reinforcement tensile strength test and concrete non-destructive compressive strength test were carried out using British Standard code of practice. The results obtained shows that the Soil Bearing Capacity at five points has the following values: 31.48kN/m2, 26kN/m2, 68kN/m2, 93kN/m2 and 88.74kN/m2, these results shows that the Soil Bearing Capacity in all the points are far less than the designed value of 150kN/m2 which is the major cause of the collapse of the building. This low SBC values are attributed to the fact that the soil at the site comprises of made-up materials arising from stock pile of loose soil from previous mining activities. Redesigned structural drawing for the project shows that there are inadequacies in the provisions of reinforcements for some critical beams and dimensions of the foundation footings. The designer has been apportioned the major responsibility for the failure for neglecting the soil conditions in the design followed by the contractor for lack of engaging professionals in the execution of the project.


IRE Journals:
S. S Manji , Prof. A.G Mohammed , Prof. S.Y Umar "Forensic Investigation Into the Causes of Building Collapse in Nigeria: Case Study of Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) Complex Jos" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 2 2024 Page 1031-1035

S. S Manji , Prof. A.G Mohammed , Prof. S.Y Umar "Forensic Investigation Into the Causes of Building Collapse in Nigeria: Case Study of Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) Complex Jos" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(2)