Causes, Socioeconomic Effects and Potential Solutions of Incessant Building Collapse in Nigeria: A Review
  • Author(s): Quadri Opeyemi Saka ; Adewoye Alade Olanipekun ; Daniel Uwumarogie Idusuyi ; Oluwatobi Oluwaseun Aiyelokun
  • Paper ID: 1706206
  • Page: 724-735
  • Published Date: 27-08-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 2 August-2024

This study examined the causes, impacts and potential solutions to the incessant cases of building collapse in Nigeria, a serious public issue with dire consequences for the safety and development of the nation. By conducting thorough analyses of publicly available historical data, statistical trends and case studies through secondary data collection, this paper examined the major factors contributing to and responsible for building collapse in Nigeria. Also, this study determined the socio-economic effects of building collapse on the nation and the effectiveness of current preventive measures. Results of factors responsible for building collapse were; structural deficiencies, environmental factors human factors and poor regulatory frameworks enforcement. Results of socio-economic effects of building collapse were; financial loss, environmental pollution, disappointment, physical injuries and death. This study concludes that despite having regulatory frameworks, poor enforcement, corruption and noncompliance have caused the problem to persist. Based on the results and conclusion, this study recommends implementing enhanced inspection and monitoring procedures, improving professional standards and better enforcement of regulatory standards. This study contributes to fostering a culture of safety in Nigeria's construction industry through enforcement and compliance with regulatory frameworks, thereby reducing incidences of building collapse.


Building Collapse, Building Codes, Compliance, Socio-Economic, Safety


IRE Journals:
Quadri Opeyemi Saka , Adewoye Alade Olanipekun , Daniel Uwumarogie Idusuyi , Oluwatobi Oluwaseun Aiyelokun "Causes, Socioeconomic Effects and Potential Solutions of Incessant Building Collapse in Nigeria: A Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 2 2024 Page 724-735

Quadri Opeyemi Saka , Adewoye Alade Olanipekun , Daniel Uwumarogie Idusuyi , Oluwatobi Oluwaseun Aiyelokun "Causes, Socioeconomic Effects and Potential Solutions of Incessant Building Collapse in Nigeria: A Review" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(2)