This publication focuses on the implementation of passive daylighting strategies to enhance thermal comfort in a mixed-use facility. Mixed-use facilities combine commercial, residential, and other functional spaces in a single building, often facing challenges in balancing natural lighting, thermal comfort, and energy efficiency. Natural daylighting enhances well-being and productivity but can lead to heat gains, especially in hot climates. Implementing passive cooling strategies such as natural ventilation and thermal mass can help manage indoor temperatures and improve thermal comfort. These strategies may be insufficient in delivering adequate illumination, necessitating the use of additional artificial lighting and the resultant increase in energy consumption. This study aims to effectively integrate passive daylighting techniques in a mixed-use facility to improve the thermal comfort of interior spaces. To tackle the research questions, we utilized a Qualitative research approach, which involved employing various data collection and analysis methods. The study incorporated both primary data, gathered through case studies and observations, and secondary data, obtained from scholarly articles, books, and industry reports. The case studies were meticulously chosen to find potential solutions to the research questions. Some of the significant findings observed in the selected case studies demonstrated the effective implementation of passive daylighting strategies in the facility. These strategies included the use of light shelves, skylights, top-down windows, clerestory windows, light tubes, and solar shading devices. They not only enhanced the amount of light entering a space but also allowed for control over light penetration, ultimately improving the thermal comfort of the interior spaces in the selected facilities. The specific case studies that were selected played a crucial role in identifying and analyzing the intricacies of implementing these strategies within the proposed mixed-use facility. Their in-depth exploration provided valuable insights into ensuring the proper and effective execution of the strategies.
Mixed-use facility, Passive Daylighting Strategies, Thermal comfort, energy consumption, energy efficiency.
IRE Journals:
Wodi, Praise Nyekazi , Ohochuku, Chinwennwo Philips
"Design of Passive Daylighting Strategies to Enhance Thermal Comfort in a Mixed-use Facility" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 2 2024 Page 461-468
Wodi, Praise Nyekazi , Ohochuku, Chinwennwo Philips
"Design of Passive Daylighting Strategies to Enhance Thermal Comfort in a Mixed-use Facility" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(2)