The study focused on assessing the influence of digital collaborative learning on Performance of Literature learners at Public Universities in Western Kenya. The study specific objective was to: Determine the influence of learners’ use of digital collaborative learning on Performance of learners in Literature in public universities in western Kenya, The study was guided by Connectivism theory. It adopted a descriptive survey design, targeting 899 learners and 32 lecturers. A sample of 277 learners and 32 lecturers was selected using proportionate sampling techniques and census technique respectively. Data was collected using interviews and structured questionnaires. The researcher ensured validity by testing construct, criterion and content validity and reliability. This paper examined the relationship between digital learning factors— Digital Collaborative Learning and Performance in Literature among learners in public universities in Western Kenya. For learners. Digital Collaborative Learning showed a weak, non-significant relationship with performance. These findings emphasize the importance of Digital materials in enhancing student learning outcomes in literature studies, though further research is needed to fully understand this dynamic. For lecturers, the study found a statistically significant relationship between digital learning platforms and performance, explaining approximately 80.3% of the variance in performance. To enhance performance in literature education through digital learning: This includes providing access to digital resources, ensuring technological infrastructure and support, and offering professional development opportunities for educators
Digital Learning Platforms, Digital Collaborative Learning, Performance
IRE Journals:
Wanyama Martin Nyongesa , Edwin Masibo Makhanu , Ben Nyongesa Wekesa
"The Influence of Learners’ Use of Digital Collaborative Learning on Performance of Learners in Literature in Public Universities in Western Kenya." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 2 2024 Page 240-252
Wanyama Martin Nyongesa , Edwin Masibo Makhanu , Ben Nyongesa Wekesa
"The Influence of Learners’ Use of Digital Collaborative Learning on Performance of Learners in Literature in Public Universities in Western Kenya." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(2)