This study examines the impact of assets and liabilities accounting controls on financial reporting quality in Public Technical Training Institutes (PTTIs) in Western Kenya. Despite the importance of robust accounting controls, limited research has explored this relationship in the specific context of PTTIs. Using a cross-sectional survey design, data was collected from 79 respondents across 11 institutions. Descriptive statistics revealed high perceived importance of these controls among respondents, with mean scores ranging from 4.16 to 4.64 on a 5-point scale. However, regression analysis showed a weak relationship between assets and liabilities accounting controls and financial reporting quality, explaining only 4.1% of the variance (R2 = 0.041, p = 0.084). This contrasts with previous studies in other contexts that found stronger relationships. The findings suggest that while these controls are perceived as important, their actual impact on financial reporting quality in PTTIs may be limited. This study contributes to understanding the unique dynamics of accounting controls in PTTIs and highlights the need for context-specific strategies to enhance financial reporting quality in these institutions.
Assets and Liabilities Accounting Controls, Financial Reporting Quality, Public Technical Training Institutes
IRE Journals:
Akala Violet Chimoi , Rashid Fwamba , Joshua Abuya
"The Impact of Assets and Liabilities Accounting Controls on Financial Reporting Quality in Public Technical Training Institutes in Western Kenya" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 2 2024 Page 1-6
Akala Violet Chimoi , Rashid Fwamba , Joshua Abuya
"The Impact of Assets and Liabilities Accounting Controls on Financial Reporting Quality in Public Technical Training Institutes in Western Kenya" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(2)