Exploring New Horizons in Africa: Advancements in Safeguarding Cloud Computing from Cyber Threats
  • Author(s): Shefiu Yusuf ; Semiu Adebayo Oyetunji ; Kolawole Victor Owoigbe ; Kehinde Onayemi Adesoga
  • Paper ID: 1705995
  • Page: 27-34
  • Published Date: 04-07-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 8 Issue 1 July-2024

Cloud computing has emerged as a transformative technology, revolutionizing the manner in which organizations store, manage, and access data. In Africa, the use of cloud computing is becoming more popular due to the need for digital transformation and the potential for improved efficiency and scalability. However, as cloud use increases, cyberattacks also surge, posing significant challenges to the security and reliability of cloud-based systems. This literature study examines the progress made in protecting cloud computing in Africa against cyber threats. It is based on a thorough investigation of current literature, industry reports, and policy papers. The study starts with a comprehensive examination of cloud computing, emphasizing its fundamental attributes and advantages, including cost-effectiveness, scalability, and adaptability (Armbrust, 2010). The essay explores the particular circumstances surrounding the adoption of cloud computing in Africa, analyzing the variables that contribute to its acceptance and the obstacles that impede its extensive deployment (Mbuyu, 2021). The literature analysis further analyzes the prevailing cyber dangers that specifically target cloud infrastructure in Africa, such as data breaches, ransomware attacks, and insider threats (Kumar & Singh, 2020). In order to tackle these difficulties, we examine the latest developments in cybersecurity measures for cloud computing. These measures encompass the utilization of encryption techniques, the establishment of zero-trust architectures, and the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) for the purpose of identifying and addressing threats (Ezugwu, 2021). UNCTAD, 2021 emphasizes the significance of international cooperation and capacity-building activities in enhancing cybersecurity frameworks in Africa. The literature study includes case studies and examples from African enterprises, demonstrating practical applications of cloud security solutions. MADUBA (2020) presented a comprehensive strategy for cloud security that involves many layers of protection, including encryption, access limits, and constant monitoring, to effectively reduce cyber threats.


Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Cyber Threats, Digital Transformation, Data Security, Encryption, Artificial Intelligence, Security Management, Threat Detection


IRE Journals:
Shefiu Yusuf , Semiu Adebayo Oyetunji , Kolawole Victor Owoigbe , Kehinde Onayemi Adesoga "Exploring New Horizons in Africa: Advancements in Safeguarding Cloud Computing from Cyber Threats" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 8 Issue 1 2024 Page 27-34

Shefiu Yusuf , Semiu Adebayo Oyetunji , Kolawole Victor Owoigbe , Kehinde Onayemi Adesoga "Exploring New Horizons in Africa: Advancements in Safeguarding Cloud Computing from Cyber Threats" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 8(1)