AI and the Personalization-Privacy Paradox: Balancing Customized Marketing with Consumer Data Protection
  • Author(s): Vishvesh Soni
  • Paper ID: 1705983
  • Page: 411-418
  • Published Date: 01-07-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 12 June-2024

This study explores the dual challenge of leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to personalize marketing efforts while safeguarding consumer data privacy. The aim is to understand the balance between effective customized marketing and robust data protection practices. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research combines quantitative surveys to gather consumer perspectives on privacy and personalization, with qualitative interviews of marketing professionals to understand industry practices and challenges. Data analysis involves statistical techniques for the survey data and thematic analysis for the interview data. The findings reveal a significant tension between consumer desire for personalized experiences and their concerns about data privacy. Consumers appreciate the convenience and relevance of personalized marketing but express apprehension about data misuse and lack of transparency. On the industry side, marketers acknowledge the importance of data protection but face difficulties in implementing effective privacy measures without compromising personalization quality. The study highlights the necessity for a balanced approach that addresses consumer privacy concerns while maintaining the benefits of personalized marketing. Recommendations include adopting transparent data practices, enhancing consumer control over personal data, and developing regulatory frameworks that support both privacy and innovation.


AI, Personalization, Privacy, Customized Marketing, Consumer Data Protection


IRE Journals:
Vishvesh Soni "AI and the Personalization-Privacy Paradox: Balancing Customized Marketing with Consumer Data Protection" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 12 2024 Page 411-418

Vishvesh Soni "AI and the Personalization-Privacy Paradox: Balancing Customized Marketing with Consumer Data Protection" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(12)