Assessment of Health Implications of Waste Collectors (Scavengers) to the Individuals, Environment and Its Possible Way Out
  • Author(s): Ismaila Chegede Muhammed Dankogi ; Muhammad Saadat I. ; Anisha C. Michael ; Ogedengbe Asuku Samson; Promise Godwin Gerald ; Isah Adamu; Ogbaini Aliu Clement
  • Paper ID: 1705685
  • Page: 302-308
  • Published Date: 30-04-2024
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 7 Issue 10 April-2024

There are millions of waste pickers worldwide, predominantly in developing countries, but increasingly in post-industrial countries as well, there is little reliable data about the number and demographics of waste pickers worldwide. Most academic research on waste pickers is qualitative rather than quantitative. Waste collectors are prone or exposed to some kind of diseases and hazards like nosocomial diseases, tuberculosis, dysentery, asthma, pneumonia, parasite, malnutrition and bronchitis. Waste collector is expected to maintain and make use of all personal protective equipment and maintain personal hygiene. Due to improper waste disposal several problems like unpleasant odour and other related health problems may occur. In Kogi State particularly and in Nigeria in general, modern landfill facilities are not found in municipal dumpsites, hence the sorting-out of solid wastes into degradable, non-degradable and recyclable materials cannot be achieved. The study assessed the health effects of exposure to waste on the scavengers; the study identified the health hazards associated with waste collections; the study determined the possible solutions to the hazards associated with waste collections in Lokoja dumpsite Felele, Lokoja LGA, Kogi State. Cross sectional descriptive study designs using multi-stage sampling technique was used to select graduates, skilled and unskilled workers, students, and other residence of the community that were used for the study. A 20- item structured questionnaire was used to generate data from 60 randomly selected respondents. Results were analysed and were presented in tables and percentages. Majority of the respondents, 48 respondents (80%) stated that they make use of PPE while operating while 12 respondents represent (20%) stated that they did not make use of PPE while operating. However, 3 respondents (5%) stated that they scavenge metal and plastic scraps,0 respondents (0%) stated that they scavenge wood scraps, 8 respondents (13.3%) stated that they scavenge plastics and woods scraps and 49 respondents (81 .7%) stated that they scavenge all class of refuse. It could be concisely concluded that the dumpsite Lokoja imposes a lot of environmental and occupational hazard to man and his environment. These activities cause a lot of skin diseases to their workers especially during their working hours, workers are exposed to acid waste, and they are also exposed to respiratory tract infection through inhalation of gases .and some of the skin diseases like dermatitis and skin cancer contribute a lot to the ill health of the workers and the institutional environment. The study indicated that Government should carryout health education campaign at regular interval as well as proper monitoring and evaluation should be assigned, There should be a designated health officer who can oversee and control the affair of waste collection in every health care setting, they should be implementation of rules, policy, regulations and law of environment and health care waste disposal in every waste generated setting, The sanitary staff should be properly trained of their respective duties and responsibilities and there should be provision of adequate protective devices for the workers which should be mandatory used by the workers.


Health, Waste, Waste collectors, Environment


IRE Journals:
Ismaila Chegede Muhammed Dankogi , Muhammad Saadat I. , Anisha C. Michael , Ogedengbe Asuku Samson; Promise Godwin Gerald , Isah Adamu; Ogbaini Aliu Clement "Assessment of Health Implications of Waste Collectors (Scavengers) to the Individuals, Environment and Its Possible Way Out" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 10 2024 Page 302-308

Ismaila Chegede Muhammed Dankogi , Muhammad Saadat I. , Anisha C. Michael , Ogedengbe Asuku Samson; Promise Godwin Gerald , Isah Adamu; Ogbaini Aliu Clement "Assessment of Health Implications of Waste Collectors (Scavengers) to the Individuals, Environment and Its Possible Way Out" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(10)