The thermodynamic evaluation of the effect of ambient temperature in the performance of an air conditioning system in a temperate region was carried out. A 20 ton capacity air conditioner was designed and used for the experiment. Thermodynamics analysis of the system was carried out using the PH and TS diagram. The coefficient of performance (COP) was calculated to be 2.02. The effect of the ambient temperature on the enthalpy value after compression, the COP and the exergy of the system designed was studied. The enthalpy and the exergy of the system were seen to be increasing with increase in ambient temperature. While the COP decreased as the ambient temperature increases. The work done on the compressor was gotten as 34.85 J.
Ambient Temperature, Temperate Region, Air Conditioning, COP, Thermodynamics
IRE Journals:
Chike Martin Atah , Kingsley E. Madu
"Thermodynamics Evalution of the Effect of Ambient Temperature in the Performance of Airconditioning System in the Temperate Region" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 7 2024 Page 358-364
Chike Martin Atah , Kingsley E. Madu
"Thermodynamics Evalution of the Effect of Ambient Temperature in the Performance of Airconditioning System in the Temperate Region" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(7)