Organizational culture given that organizational culture acts as glue that binds employee performance. It acts as the road map on which organizations make decisions leading to employees having a better feel of their organization leading to performance. The study was based on four objectives namely: to establish the effect of ethical culture on the employee performance in the county governments in Kenya: a case study of Kisii County. This study used positivistic paradigm with a survey research design as it assumes quantitative data using questionnaires. The target population consisted of all heads of departs and departmental employees. This study utilized the Yamene (1967) formula in establishing the sample from the study population. Questionnaires were used to collect from staff of various departments. The pilot test was done in the neighbouring Nyamira County which bears similar characteristics with the study area and was not involved during the actual data collection process. Reliability of the study tools with an alpha coefficient with a value of 0.7 and above, was considered reliable enough for data collection. Data from the questionnaires was cleaned, coded and entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, Version 27.0, for analysis. Analysis was run using both descriptive and regression analysis. The study established that the ethical culture predictors of employee performance. From the study findings, the study recommends that since ethical culture is a significant predicator of employee performance, the county government of Kisii County should endeavour to entrench the ethical culture since it predicts positively Employee Performance.
Departmental Employees, Organizational Performance, Ethical Culture
IRE Journals:
Omurwa Kemunto Winnie , Dr. Dennis Juma Ph.D.
"Effect of Ethical Culture on the Employee Performance in the County Governments in Kenya: A Case Study of Kisii County" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 4 2023 Page 74-80
Omurwa Kemunto Winnie , Dr. Dennis Juma Ph.D.
"Effect of Ethical Culture on the Employee Performance in the County Governments in Kenya: A Case Study of Kisii County" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(4)