The performance level of learners upon comparison of the aforementioned School Year 2022-2023 attained a higher performance level of 85.5 as compared to 82.80 for SY 2021-2022. It is worth noting that Filipino (86.00) surpassed Araling Panlipunan (84.50) for the SY 2022-2023 since Araling Panlipunan (84.75) in SY 2021-2022 ranked first against Filipino (84.25) total enumeration of 562 learners were assessed to determine their performance level. In terms of the domains that affect their learning performance, the Home-related domain (2.83) was the least domain that needs an intervention. A Handbook entitled “Tulong Dunong” was developed to guide parents on how they could be effective school partners in attaining higher performance levels of learners. A significant difference was established when comparing the learning performance during the pandemic and limited face-to-face learning modality with a t-value of 4.679 which is higher than the tabulated value of .00946 at a 5% level of significance.
Learning Performance, COVID-19 Pandemic, Limited Face-to-face Learning Modality
IRE Journals:
Jay Paul V. Felomino , Anicia S. Madarang
"Learning Performance During COVID-19 Pandemic and Limited Face-to-Face Learning Modality" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 2 2023 Page 274-281
Jay Paul V. Felomino , Anicia S. Madarang
"Learning Performance During COVID-19 Pandemic and Limited Face-to-Face Learning Modality" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(2)