The objective of the study is to develope construction time - cost relationship model of building constructed in Addis Ababa, to determine how the general level of time performance of building construction projects are affected by it cost and size. Predicting project duration with reasonable accuracy is a formidable challenge to industry practitioners and alike. Consequently, several research studies have focused on this subject, and thus multiple models have been developed. Notwithstanding the conflicting findings of its predictive ability, the 50-year-old “time-cost” model of Bromilow (BTC) remains the baseline, to which the outcomes of most developed models are compared. The objective of this study, therefore, is to examine the validity, and hence the applicability, of the BTC model to estimate contract durations for building projects in Addis Ababa, in this regard, relevant data for fifty buildings in Addis Ababa, which were completed during the period 2010 and 2020 Gregorian calendar were collected. The results of the analysis show the BTC model holds true for the projects under the study, a model with a better statistical significance was developed with construction cost as a sole predictor variable. The ?-value and F-value for the BTC was 0.000 and 36.09 respectively Furthermore, the adjusted R square for the BTC was 0.403 while that of the developed model was 0.445 which implies the developed model was a better fit for the data set. In addition, the developed models were validated by using two standard error measures of RMSE and MAPE which were found to be 84.46 days and 8.49% which implies the model is almost accurate forecasting.
Bromilow’s Time Cost model, Construction Cost, Construction Duration, Regression Analysis
IRE Journals:
Adamu Mudi
"Bromilow’s Construction Cost and Time Relationship Model Validation for Construction Project Delivery" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 2 2023 Page 160-166
Adamu Mudi
"Bromilow’s Construction Cost and Time Relationship Model Validation for Construction Project Delivery" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(2)