Improper waste management in many Nigerian cities poses serious environmental health risk to the inhabitants. Indecent disposal of household waste and poor waste management systems by State and local government creates opportunities for disease causing agents to thrive and hereby put the health of the population at risk. This study aims to identify the challenges of waste management, outline the implications of improper waste management on environmental health and seek to provide solutions. The study was conducted in Bere axis of Ibadan, the choice of the study location was informed by the prominent poor waste management in this axis, characterized by open dumpsites and landfills. Although most part of Ibadan has poor waste management systems, Bere/Oje axis is most plagued. This is partly due to the local market situated in this axis. Quantitative (secondary data) and qualitative data (key informant interviews and FGDs) were collected to answer the research questions. Secondary data were analyzed and presented using tables, charts and qualitative data were categorized and the key points presented. From the study, improper waste management was identified as a major challenge of urbanization which is prominent in Ibadan as with some other cities. It was also discovered that poor waste management poses serious risk to the environmental health of the population. Solutions proffered include citizen education on appropriate waste disposal habit, efficient Municipal Waste Management Planning and funding and sustained street sweeping and cleaning.
Environmental Health, Waste Management, Waste Disposal, Urbanization
IRE Journals:
Adeniyi Joshua Olu
"Challenges of Environmental Health in Waste Management: A Case Study of Ibadan, Oyo State" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 2 2023 Page 175-183
Adeniyi Joshua Olu
"Challenges of Environmental Health in Waste Management: A Case Study of Ibadan, Oyo State" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(2)