This study investigates the intricate relationships between various variables influencing the performance of Ikeja Electric Plc. Employing a correlation matrix analysis, the research explores the correlations among 18 identified variables, ranging from regulatory environment and economic conditions to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. The findings reveal nuanced connections, such as the potential trade-offs between financial performance and environmental sustainability, the role of economic conditions in driving innovation and adaptability, and the impact of regulatory support and innovation on customer satisfaction. Based on the insights, the study recommends strategies for organizational enhancement, highlighting the significance of balanced approaches, leveraging economic trends, and fostering innovation and operational efficiency. Ultimately, this research underscores the complexity of organizational performance drivers and the potential for informed decision-making in the dynamic business landscape.
Correlation Matrix, Organizational Performance, Variable Relationships, Economic Conditions, Innovation, Environmental Sustainability, Customer Satisfaction, Regulatory Environment, Operational Efficiency, Management Practices
IRE Journals:
Akindele R. T.
"The Impact of Environmental Factors on Organizations Performance: A Study of Ikeja Electric Plc." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 2 2023 Page 107-115
Akindele R. T.
"The Impact of Environmental Factors on Organizations Performance: A Study of Ikeja Electric Plc." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(2)