This research study investigates the influence of operational characteristics on the total production volume of manufacturing industries in Osun state, Nigeria, using Linear Regression analysis. The study utilizes secondary data from reliable sources, including academic papers and official reports, to examine the relationships between the dependent variable (Total Production Volume) and various independent variables, namely Production Technology, Workforce Skill Level, Supply Chain Efficiency, Energy Consumption, Quality Control Measures, Production Capacity, Government Policies and Regulations, and Infrastructure. The results of the analysis reveal that while the majority of the operational characteristics do not have statistically significant effects on the total production volume, Production Capacity and Government Policies and Regulations emerge as significant factors that may impact the manufacturing industry's output in the region. The findings provide insights into the factors influencing the manufacturing sector's performance in Osun state and offer valuable information for policymakers and industry stakeholders.
Manufacturing industries, Operational characteristics, Total production volume, Linear Regression
IRE Journals:
Oyeleye, A.O , Aworemi J.R , Abiri O.N.
"Influence of Operational Characteristics on the Output of Manufacturing Industries in Osun State, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 512-519
Oyeleye, A.O , Aworemi J.R , Abiri O.N.
"Influence of Operational Characteristics on the Output of Manufacturing Industries in Osun State, Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)