The study examined the degree to which local governments and NGOs cooperate to provide high-quality healthcare. The study established the organization's profile as well as the scope of its collaborative practices in response to healthcare services and the difficulties they face. In this study, the descriptive research methodology was applied. Results indicated that Local Government Units (LGUs) have greater annual budgets, healthcare facilities, staff, and clientele than Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). In order to provide quality healthcare services, LGUs, and NGOs have long-standing collaboration practices. Additionally, there are certain mildly substantial difficulties that LGUs and NGOs have in providing effective healthcare services. As a result, LGUs and NGOs are equipped to deal with such difficulties. Additionally, the level of collaboration across LGUs in response to the challenges of providing quality healthcare services is tied to those challenges as well as to available financial and human resources. The extent to which NGOs collaborate in order to provide high-quality healthcare services and sustainable practices is also tied to those issues and to work ethics. Finally, the degree of collaboration between LGUs and NGOs in response to quality healthcare services, along with their availability of both financial and human resources, varies. According to the study, LGU leaders and NGO executives should implement the researcher's strategic plan to increase their cooperative efforts in response to high-quality healthcare services. They ought to be aware of issues that might have an impact on how much they engage in collaborative practices in response to high-quality medical care. A comparable study should be carried out while taking into account additional variables that may influence how LGUs and NGOs cooperate to provide high-quality healthcare services. The findings of this study could be used as future research references.
Financial Resources, Healthcare Practices, Health Services, Human Resources
IRE Journals:
Jaime S. Soriano Jr. , Rogelio D. Mercado
"Collaborative Practices of LGUs and NGOs in Healthcare Services: Basis for Formulation of Strategic Plan" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 7 Issue 1 2023 Page 79-92
Jaime S. Soriano Jr. , Rogelio D. Mercado
"Collaborative Practices of LGUs and NGOs in Healthcare Services: Basis for Formulation of Strategic Plan" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 7(1)