The aim of this study is to develop an online ATM card request and instant issuance platform using blockchain technology while the objectivesare to develop a system that could provide an interface for customers to request for an ATM card remotely, provide a secured platform for easy, fast and instance verification of customers credentials before issuance of ATM card, a platform that could enable ATM cards to be delivered to a customer remotely from any designated bank location and to use the IBM Blockchain Hyper ledger Composer tool to create a decentralized database for the storage of customers ATM card related transactions. The motivation towards this study was based on the delay and insecurity of ATM card request and delivery processes witnessed in most banks in Nigeria. An object oriented analysis design methodology (OOADM) was employed for the system analysis, design and development of the proposed system appliedMySQL as backend the distributed database for storing ATM card requests by customers remotely together withhypertext preprocessor (PHP), hypertext markup language (HTML) and cascading style-sheet (CSS). These development tools were chosen because of their simplicity and flexibility in coding, easy integration and deployment and implementation of an online system. The results wasabletoprovide an onlineplatform for users to apply for new ATM card remotely and for the bank staff/management take proper accounts of documents and request made by their clients.
Web Technology, IBM Blockchain Technology, Electronic Request and Instance ATM request Platform
IRE Journals:
Magnus Chinonso Okere , Eleberi Ebere , A. O Agbakwuru
"An Online ATM Card Request and Instant Issuance Platform Using Blockchain Technology" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 10 2023 Page 749-756
Magnus Chinonso Okere , Eleberi Ebere , A. O Agbakwuru
"An Online ATM Card Request and Instant Issuance Platform Using Blockchain Technology" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(10)