Analysis and creation of Graph Algorithms present a significant difficulty for both computer science and information science students [1-2]. In order to help pupils and lessen their difficulties, this project was developed. Even though it has been claimed that some of these tools help people learn programming, the issue is still largely unsolved. The components of this project include Dijkstra, A* Search, Greedy Best-first Search, Bi-directional Breadth-first Search, Breadth-first Search, and Depth-first Search. To construct this web-app HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language, Version 5), JavaScript, and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) were used. This interface is intended to make the user feel completely engaged and focused. The objective of this project is to increase student motivation to learn Graph Algorithms by making them more enjoyable.
Visualization, Algorithms, e-learning, path finding, Depth First Search,Breadth First Search, A-star, Dijkstra’s, Greedy Best First, Bi-directional Bfs.
IRE Journals:
Sarvesh Arora , Dr. K. C. Tripathi , Dr. M. L. Sharma
"Graph Algorithm Visualizer" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 6 2022 Page 150-153
Sarvesh Arora , Dr. K. C. Tripathi , Dr. M. L. Sharma
"Graph Algorithm Visualizer" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(6)