The danger of infection and the pathogen's level of hazard led to creation isolation rooms to avoid the spread of airborne transmitted diseases. The majority of designs minimize transmission between people within and outside the space by using pressure relationships. A very well ventilation system is utilized inside the room to quickly remove infections and avoid places where there is a higher concentration of contaminants and where an individual, such as a health professional or a guest, might be exposed. This research outlines the methodology for evaluating an isolation room's infection control features; both qualitative and quantitative strategy was employed in this study. Interviews and case study was carried out at the infectious diseases isolation center yaba, Lagos. The data gathered from the research methods was thoroughly analyzed and this shows that FMHD published several guidelines for existing and newly created isolation centers for effective space planning and management. This study also shows the result from the six respondents interviewed, with more than 50% agreeing that effective space planning can reduce the spread of infectious disease. This study suggests the urgent need for the isolation center to adhere to the NDCD & FMHD design guidelines which serves as the parameter for a properly planned disease isolation centers.
Isolation, space, FMHD, guidelines, NDCD
IRE Journals:
Olatunbosun Similoluwa , Taiye Alagbe , Olabode Oyedele
"Evaluation Of Space Management in Isolation Centre (A Case Study of Infectious Diseases Isolation Center Yaba, Lagos State)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 6 2022 Page 26-30
Olatunbosun Similoluwa , Taiye Alagbe , Olabode Oyedele
"Evaluation Of Space Management in Isolation Centre (A Case Study of Infectious Diseases Isolation Center Yaba, Lagos State)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(6)