Reactive power agents such as shunt capacitors and inductors are deployed for the purpose of reactive power injection or absorption during heavy or light loading of load feeders for power loss reduction through optimization of voltage profile. In this research, a multi-objective Tabu Search Algorithm (TSA) is being deployed for optimal allotment and sizing of capacitor banks in a 21 bus 132/33kV Port Harcourt Sub-Transmission and Primary Distribution Network. The proposed algorithm was implemented in DigSILENT Power Factory 15.1 and the results were validated by comparison with the existing network state through load flow studies. Both the pre-OCP and post-OCP load flow simulation results were critically analysed and emanating results showcased the efficiency of the Tabu Search Algorithm in power loss reduction. The power loss before and after placement of 70 capacitor banks; each rated 0.96MVAR across seven load buses were recorded as 10.54MVAR and 8.7MVAR respectively. This loss index represents a 17.5% loss reduction and further vindicates the algorithm in efficacy and accuracy.
Optimal, Allocation, Reactive, Power, Agents, Improved, Distribution, Voltage, Tabu, Search, Dig SILENT.
IRE Journals:
Uche-Ogbuji Albert Alozie , Sepiribo L. Braide , Hachimenum N. Amadi
"Optimal Sizing and Allocation of Reactive Power Agents for Improved Distribution" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 4 2022 Page 127-134
Uche-Ogbuji Albert Alozie , Sepiribo L. Braide , Hachimenum N. Amadi
"Optimal Sizing and Allocation of Reactive Power Agents for Improved Distribution" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(4)