Positioning 'Play' in context: Playfulness can be a vital catalyst for communal well-being in Indian urban environments.
  • Author(s): Mohesh Radhakrishnan ; Selva Priyadharshan
  • Paper ID: 1703769
  • Page: 140-145
  • Published Date: 22-08-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 2 August-2022

Salubrious urban spaces in any part of the world are one of the positive signs of their region's healthy community and presence of social well-being. In order to create such healthy urban spaces, environments are now being designed rich in the landscape. This article explores the overlap findings of scholarly research that indicates that if environments are designed to include 'playfulness' in environments along with landscape, they can improve the users' physical and mental health. However, these aspects of including playfulness in urban environments are largely ignored, especially in India. Recently, 'Play' has held the attention of architectural theorists. Several case studies are studied to identify the efficiency and functioning of 'play' in the urban environment. Finally, this paper provides a few recommendations for urban designers, policymakers, municipal government officials, well-being researchers, and architects to encourage the largely unexploited potential for urban environments to act as a space for wellness for all to breathe amidst the cacophony.


play; architecture; urban environment; urban designing; well-being; India.


IRE Journals:
Mohesh Radhakrishnan , Selva Priyadharshan "Positioning 'Play' in context: Playfulness can be a vital catalyst for communal well-being in Indian urban environments." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 2 2022 Page 140-145

Mohesh Radhakrishnan , Selva Priyadharshan "Positioning 'Play' in context: Playfulness can be a vital catalyst for communal well-being in Indian urban environments." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(2)