This project describes the design of a smart voice controlled wheelchair for physically challenged people using embedded system. Proposed design is based on voice activation system for physically differently abled persons incorporating manual operation. The voice command is given through a cellular device to wheelchair having Bluetooth and the command is transferred and converted to string by the BT Voice Control for Arduino and is transferred to the Bluetooth Module HC-05 connected to the Arduino board for the control of the Wheelchair. For example, when the user says „Go? then chair will move in forward direction and when he says „Back? then the chair will move in backward direction and similarly „Left?, „Right? for rotating it in left and right directions respectively and „Stop? for making it stop. The wheelchair will move according to the command given. This system was designed and developed to support the patient in terms of save cost, time and energy. Ultrasonic sensor is also made a part of the design which helps to detect obstacles lying ahead in the way of the wheelchair that can hinder the passage of the wheelchair.
Arduino Uno, Wheelchair, Voice Recognition, Bluetooth Module HC-05
IRE Journals:
Nagesh , Gurunath , Shivkumar , T. Vinay Kumar
"Voice Controlled Wheelchair for Physically Challenged People" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 1 2022 Page 441-444
Nagesh , Gurunath , Shivkumar , T. Vinay Kumar
"Voice Controlled Wheelchair for Physically Challenged People" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(1)