Wireless sensor network security pulls in considerations of numerous specialists around the globe. Security is utilized with attributes of authentication, uprightness, protection, nonrepudiation and privacy. The security benefits in WSN need to ensure the data imparted over network and assets from the assaults. Security and authentication during information communication are testing one in WSN. For secure communication in WSN, cryptographic and steganographic techniques are utilized. The information are sent or gotten to by any hub in network after authentication measure to keep from unapproved clients to get to the data. Our exploration clarifies Investigation on Combinatorial Asymmetric Key Cryptosystem and Hash Based Multifactor Authentication Techniques.
Wireless sensor network, Asymmetric Key Cryptosystem, Data Communication, Blum-Goldwasser encryption algorithm.
IRE Journals:
Venkatachalam C , Dr. A. Suresh
"Combinatorial Asymmetric Key Cryptosystem and Hash Based Multifactor Authentication Techniques for Secured Data Communication in WSN" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 1 2022 Page 382-389
Venkatachalam C , Dr. A. Suresh
"Combinatorial Asymmetric Key Cryptosystem and Hash Based Multifactor Authentication Techniques for Secured Data Communication in WSN" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(1)