In MANET, Multimodal Biometric innovation assumes an essential part in giving security between client to-gadget authentications. MANET security is turning into a test for specialists with the time. The absence of foundation offers ascend to authentication issues in these networks. Offering power aware secure routing model is a difficult undertaking in this sort of network due to its changing topologies and less assets. In this paper proposed an Enhanced Pairing Free Privacy Routing Model (EPFPR) for Secure and power Efficiency in which the session key is derived as a function of contributions provided by all mobile nodes. Our proposed algorithm tracks down the protected course furthermore with a higher speed. The proposed model gives a power viable routing in MANET in a valuable way. The exhibition examination for the proposed EPFPR produces lesser delay, higher delivery ratio, lesser packet drops and lesser power utilization when contrasted with existing model.
Authentication, Enhanced Pairing Free Privacy Routing Model, Secure and power Efficiency, MANET.
IRE Journals:
Mahendran A , Dr. C. Kavitha , Dr. K. Sakthivel
"Enhanced Pairing Free Privacy Routing Model (EPFPR) For Secure and Power Efficiency in MANET" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 1 2022 Page 594-608
Mahendran A , Dr. C. Kavitha , Dr. K. Sakthivel
"Enhanced Pairing Free Privacy Routing Model (EPFPR) For Secure and Power Efficiency in MANET" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(1)