Lately, there is an increasing need for Optimal Power Flow (OPF) to solve problems of today’s regulated and deregulated power systems and the unsolved problems in the vertically integrated power systems. The objective of an optimal power flow is to determine the best way to instantaneously operate a power system. OPF is considered with the goal of limiting either the power circulation misfortunes or the cost of influence drawn from the substation and provided by distributed generation (DG) units. The most important aspects related to OPF are the solution methodologies and the application areas. This paper presents OPF and load flow analysis of IEEE 30 bus system with DG. PV plant is determined as DG plant. According to different PV integration rates, system parameters are analysed. Especially active and reactive losses are investigated. More than 30% PV contribution in transmission and distribution systems can affect the system adversely. Because of this reason, the PV contribution limit is set at 30%. Newton-Raphson method is used as the load flow analysis method.
Optimal Power Flow (OPF), Regulated and Deregulated Power Systems.
IRE Journals:
Nikhil Kumar Jha , Vishal V. Mehtre
"Optimal Power Flow and Load Flow Analysis with Considering Different DG Integration Rates" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 1 2022 Page 69-73
Nikhil Kumar Jha , Vishal V. Mehtre
"Optimal Power Flow and Load Flow Analysis with Considering Different DG Integration Rates" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(1)