Livestock (Broiler chicken) are regarded as fast growing bird. Temperature, humidity and feeds are the significant parameters contributing to their high production and growth. Therefore, environmental conditions of chicken house require regular temperature monitoring and control to guarantee the quality of poultry produce. However, increased carbon dioxide (CO2) and very high temperature lead to various diseases and high mortality rate. The manual methods used to monitor environmental conditions in poultry have proved to be more tedious and time consuming process. In this work, a device that is able to accurately monitored real-time temperature and controls the humidity automatically was developed. The model comprised of a temperature sensor that senses/read the environmental conditions, the Arduino microcontroller which manipulates the data readings and a liquid crystal display which displayed the output from the sensor comprehensively on screen. The result obtained shows the ability of the sensor in capturing the temperature value within the chicken cage for a given periods of time. Poultry farmers in the country especially medium and large scale farmers will meet their production targets by implementing this system.
Livestock, Microcontroller, Mortality rate, Poultry, Temperature
IRE Journals:
Adamu, Dahiru , Ojo B.A
"Design And Construction of a Temperature Monitoring and Control System for High Livestock (Broilers) Production: A Case Study of The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Poultry Farm" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 8 2022 Page 230-234
Adamu, Dahiru , Ojo B.A
"Design And Construction of a Temperature Monitoring and Control System for High Livestock (Broilers) Production: A Case Study of The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Poultry Farm" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(8)