This paper examines the Land Use Act of 1978 and its effect on real estate development in Nigeria. The study also addresses the problems of Land Use Act 1978. The Land Use Act was enacted in 1978 with the aim of stimulating economic development by ensuring effective and equitable utilization of land and land resources in the country. However, the objectives of the Land Use Act 1978 has been impeded by two major obstacles. The first is the inherent contradictions and defects in the law, and the second is institutional weakness and lack of political will to implement the Act fairly and equitably. The paper also discovered that the result of these rarities is a failure of the Act to fulfill some of its major objectives. Land Use Act is both effective in some areas and dysfunctional in others. This is because of the age of the Act and the lack of a pro-poor policy focus. The study found out that government policies/decisions on real estate development have not been effective over the years due to the failure of the government to implement land policies. To re-focus the Act and secure economic development and easy access to land by both government and the citizens, the paper recommends that certain provisions of the Act should be amended and that government should muster the requisite political will to implement the law effectively, fairly and equitably. The paper also recommends that a new policy be enacted that would guide and favour real estate development in Nigeria.
Examination, Land Use Act, Real Estate, Nigeria, Development
IRE Journals:
Ekwunife Chidubem Azie , Udobi Alexander Nnamdi
"An Examination of Land Use Act of 1978 on Real Estate Development in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 8 2022 Page 27-34
Ekwunife Chidubem Azie , Udobi Alexander Nnamdi
"An Examination of Land Use Act of 1978 on Real Estate Development in Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(8)