Thrombosis – Localized clotting of the blood can occur in the arterial or the venous circulation and has major medical impact. Acute arterial thrombosis is the proximal cause of most cases of myocardial infarction ( heart attacks ) and about 80% of strokes, collectively the most common cause of death in the developed world. Venous thrombosis is the leading cause of cardiovascular associated death.The pathologic changes that occur in the blood shell result in thrombosis. Present review is about the thrombosis & its tpes, various methods of treatments,devices, complications & its statistical analysis,trombosis treatments for its safe & cost effective treatments.
Arterial thrombosis, Thrombosis, Treatments, Venous thrombosis.
IRE Journals:
C. Jyothi , K. Maheshwari , Shilamkoti Geetha , K. Sravanthi goud , J. V. C Sharma
"A Review on Thrombosis and Its Possible Treatments" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 7 2022 Page 194-203
C. Jyothi , K. Maheshwari , Shilamkoti Geetha , K. Sravanthi goud , J. V. C Sharma
"A Review on Thrombosis and Its Possible Treatments" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(7)