The performance appraisal of the Trans - Amadi Gas Turbine Power Station has been done. The studied which encompasses collection of data from actual plant operational logsheets: turbine log sheets, plant/Auxiliaries logsheets and generator logsheets for the months of February, 2011 to November 2011. Parameters which could not be directly measured or determined were derived utilizing appropriate thermodynamic equations and principles. The work also reveal that an increment of ambient temperature from 250C to 340C , the power output decreases by 0.08MW, the thermal efficiency decreases by 3.77%, the heat supplied decreases by 421KW, the air fuel ratio increases by 5.22, the specific fuel consumption increases by 0.102Kg/KWh and the heat rate increases by 0.23KCal/Wh respectively. The performance of the gas turbine plant revealed that the plant will consume much fuel for small amount of workdone: that is, there is tendency for poor power supply. It is recommended that routine maintenance should be carried out periodically and if the symptoms persist, intercoolers should be introduced in order to control the ambient temperature which is the cause.
Gas Turbine, Ambient Temperature, Performance, Effect and Power
IRE Journals:
Engr. Igoma, Emughiphel Nelson , Tonlagha, Onajite Rosemary
"Performance Appraisal of the Trans - Amadi Gas Turbine Power Station" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 6 2021 Page 144-149
Engr. Igoma, Emughiphel Nelson , Tonlagha, Onajite Rosemary
"Performance Appraisal of the Trans - Amadi Gas Turbine Power Station" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(6)