Plant diseases are quite natural because of environment and climate conditions. Diseases are often difficult to regulate. To scale back the loss timely detection of disease is necessary. Automated detection of plant leaf disease is advantageous because it reduces the expense and time required in monitoring large fields. This paper provides survey on various plant leaf disease classification techniques.
Deep Learning Techniques, Disease Identification, Image Processing, Machine Learning Techniques.
IRE Journals:
Anju Shaji , Chaitra B , C Roopashree , Lathashree K P , Gowtham S
"Various Approaches for Plant Disease Detection" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 2 2021 Page 26-29
Anju Shaji , Chaitra B , C Roopashree , Lathashree K P , Gowtham S
"Various Approaches for Plant Disease Detection" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(2)