The research examined how to improve the performance of Elelenwo 11kV electric power distribution network using Newton Raphson load flow technique. The existing distribution network consists of 1x15MVA, 33/11kV injection substation with two (2) feeders located at the premises of Elelenwo, Port Harcourt. Feeder 1 has a peak load of 4 MW and feeder 2 has peak load of 6 MW respectively, the power supply is connected to the network passes through a 33kV feeder at Port Harcourt Town Sub-Transmission Station with installed capacity 165MVA,123/33kV. The major problem associated in the Rivers State Television distribution line is the low voltage experienced in most areas covered by the study network, drop in the voltage profile due to the size and distance covered by the distribution lines feeding the areas, inadmissibly poor voltage profile due to substandard source-end voltage and poor reliability and high losses, which results into lots of power interruption. The aim of this research work is to improve the performance of Elelenwo 11kV electric power distribution network using Newton Raphson load flow technique.The objectives of this research work are as follows:Collection of time series load data from PHED on the sample feeder was analyzed to evaluate feeder failure rates, loading and voltage profiles of the network were evaluated using direct measurements at distribution transformers and computation of loading coefficient and currents and modelling of the study network using Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP version 12.6) software environment using Newton Raphson Load flow Technique.This research work has contributed to knowledge as follows:The examination of the 11kV distribution network revealed the effect of poor power quality on the expected voltage of the distributed line in the study case, therefore the case of overload on the existing transformers and cables should be considered, and the existing power factor of Bus 1 and Bus 4 should be improved from 0.81 to 0.92.
Load Flow, Distributed Network, Buses, Newton-Raphson, feeders
IRE Journals:
ETTA, Busa-Osowo , D. C. Idoniboyeobu , S. L. Braide , B. J. Luckyn
"Improved Performance of Elelenwo 11kv Electric Power Distribution Network Using Newton Raphson Load Flow Technique" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 2 2021 Page 19-25
ETTA, Busa-Osowo , D. C. Idoniboyeobu , S. L. Braide , B. J. Luckyn
"Improved Performance of Elelenwo 11kv Electric Power Distribution Network Using Newton Raphson Load Flow Technique" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(2)