Simplified Supplementary Guide to Technical Drawing Under DepED STVEP Competency-Based Curriculum
  • Author(s): Domenic T. Sanchez
  • Paper ID: 1702880
  • Page: 54-66
  • Published Date: 29-01-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 7 January-2018

The training guide is intended to assist learning providers handling Technical Drawing subjects for Grades 7 and 8 students as it provides them with a clear guide as to the sequence of particular topics to be covered in a specific grade level and timeline. The training guide is formulated based on the researcher’s study on students’ perception of instruction, competencies, interest, and availability of facilities; and performance of Grade 9 students during their previous years of attendance in Technical Drawing classes. Interrelationship of competencies and performance in the pursuit of knowledge, skills, and the right attitude to their studies following the K-12 program is the top priority of DepEd. Strengthened Technical-Vocation Education Program or STVEP stimulates the readiness of Grades 7 and 8 students as they will explore several areas of Technical-Vocational Education. Acquisition of technical knowledge and skills is essential to students enrolled in the curriculum. In his emphasis on the Law of Readiness, Thorndike states that learning is not meaningful unless the recipient is well motivated and prepared. The technical drawing has become one of the essential platforms of students’ readiness in Technical-Vocational Education courses.


Technical Drawing, Technical-Vocational Education, Training Guide


IRE Journals:
Domenic T. Sanchez "Simplified Supplementary Guide to Technical Drawing Under DepED STVEP Competency-Based Curriculum" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 7 2018 Page 54-66

Domenic T. Sanchez "Simplified Supplementary Guide to Technical Drawing Under DepED STVEP Competency-Based Curriculum" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(7)