Eruption of volcanoes has been associated with release of aerosols in the atmosphere that compromise the air quality in a trans-boundary manner. This study examined the flow of pollutants emanating from Mount Nyiragongo during the May 2021 eruption. Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model was used to compute air parcel trajectories over the Mountain. The results of the findings revealed that between 1.9*E-16 mass/m3 to 2.4*E-10 mass/m3 of unspecified pollutants were injected in the atmosphere within the fourth week of May; 2021. The pollutants are observed to shift positions with height of volcanic ash over the area of study. The study recommends a post volcano impact assessment to estimate the health impact of the eruptions over neighboring regions.
Volcano, Pollution, HYSPLIT
IRE Journals:
Kelonye Festus Beru
"Dispersion of Atmospheric Aerosols in the May 2021 Volcanic Eruptions Over Mount Nyiragongo" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 214-217
Kelonye Festus Beru
"Dispersion of Atmospheric Aerosols in the May 2021 Volcanic Eruptions Over Mount Nyiragongo" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)